Selected projects

Solo project

Elevate your music digging experience with This app makes discovering new music as fun as swiping through a dating app!

Tired of repetitive recommendations? remembers your dislikes, ensuring you won´t get the same bad suggestions again and again. Curate your perfect playlist effortlessly, one swipe at a time.

Say goodbye to stale music and hello to endless fresh tracks with!


TypeScriptReactNext.jsSpotify SDKMongoDB

Solo project

Every image has a story to tell.

Upload any image to explore AI generated fairy tales based on your picture.

MyFairy speaks six languages and will read your personal stories to you with human-like Text-to-Speech synthesis.


TypeScriptReactNext.jsPayload CMSOpenAI APIMongoDBStripe

Telematics Events Visualization

Freelance collaboration (The Native Web GmbH)

Map based web application for a customer in the logistics sector. Telematics event data can be visualized and analyzed in an interactive map.

- Non-disclosure agreement -

Wir haben Thomas als verlässlichen, strukturierten und verantwortungsbewussten Freiberufler kennengelernt. Sowohl im Backend als auch im Frontend hat er sich zügig auf unsere Umgebung eingestellt und eigenständig an der Umsetzung von Features gearbeitet. Wir freuen uns darauf, zukünftig wieder mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten.

Golo Roden
Gründer und CTO
the native web GmbH

Cycling Statistics Dashboard

Corporate project (Bike Citizens GmbH)

Interactice dashboard for visualization of aggregated user data and their tracked bicycle rides.

Dashboards can be activated for specific regions or campaigns and made accessible for external cooperation partners and city planners.


Ruby on RailsTypeScriptAngularChart.jsSQL

Bike Potential Analysis

Corporate project (Bike Citizens GmbH)

Discover your company´s cycling potential! Load your employee list to visualize distances on a map and see statistics on how many employees could bike to work.

Export a pretty pdf to share with your employees.


Ruby on RailsTypeScriptAngularMapLibre

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